Gozo Farmhouses are rental properties that are very popular especially with families and groups. They are expertly converted properties or ones built quite recently using traditional Gozitan architecture and features. These villas or houses of character are found in all of Gozo’s traditional villages. They are beautifully styled and luxurious in their own little way. Farmhouses typically sleep 4 to 10 people, have swimming pools and peaceful country views. They provide ideal accommodation throughout the year. Groups of friends or families with children make the most of the pools in summer. Farmhouses are also ideal in the spring, autumn and winter months for tranquil getaways or trekking / cycling holidays. Some of these properties are up to 300 years old and their size, amenities, character and price vary. Let us have the number of people and your dates and we will let you know about available houses. Contact us for more information.

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